St. Joseph Aspirin

February Is Heart Health Month with St. Joseph’s Low Dose Aspirin

This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx on behalf of St.Joseph’s Low Dose Aspirin


February is here!  

Did you know it’s American Heart Month?  

Well…It is!  

A VERY special and important topic I’m here to share with you today!  (And hopefully educate a bit about why YOU need to put a little love in your heart!)

St. Joseph Aspirin

Heart health is a topic I take very seriously and keep very near and dear to my own heart.   Being an RN, I’m aware of the importance of a heart healthy diet and lifestyle changes that can boost your heart health, as well as the potential benefits that a low-dose aspirin like St. Joseph’s low dose Aspirin can have for your overall heart health if you’ve already suffered a prior heart attack.  So today, my goal is to educate YOU on why you should be talking with your primary care provider about the importance of heart health and if you should be implementing a heart health regimen to help prevent another stroke or heart attack STAT! (See what I did there…medical jargon! 😉    

Always talk to your doctor before starting or changing an existing aspirin regimen. 

Cardiovascular health is SO very important for all ages to consider.  Keeping our heart healthy is easier said than done, especially in our stressful world.  It’s key to start healthy habits young, to enjoy a lifetime of benefits for a healthy heart.  Regular physical activity, eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight and making choices for our body (like no smoking, alcohol in moderation) are all keys to help you lower your risk of cardiovascular problems later in life.  It has been found that low dose Aspirin is part of a well-researched treatment plan for patients with a history of a prior heart attack or stroke.  Daily use of low dose aspirin occurs under a doctor’s care and may help prevent a SECOND heart attack or stroke. Aspirin therapy is not for everyone, so remember to always talk to your doctor first.

St. Joseph Aspirin

Speaking with your healthcare provider now to set a recommended plan of care just for you may be key to a healthy heart!  

St. Joseph Aspirin

You don’t have to go IN TO the doctor to have these conversations anymore, especially during a pandemic.  Email your doctor or set up a virtual appointment to have a consultation regarding your heart health! Discuss the importance of adding St. Joseph’s Low Dose Aspirin to your health regimen if you’ve had a prior heart attack or stroke.  Use as your doctor directs. St. Joseph’s Low Dose Aspirin is available at your favorite local retailers like CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid and Walmart.