
Boiron Homeopathic Single Dose Medicines

This post is in collaboration with Boiron® and PTPA, however all opinions are my own.

Recently I’ve been sharing with you some of the struggles my poor baby has been experiencing over the last few months.  I’ve also been sharing with you how we’ve found relief with Boiron® homeopathic medicines.  (Thank goodness!)

First, I shared with you how my 16 month old found relief for his incessant spring cold with ColdCalm®.  ColdCalm comes in a single dose vial and provides relief from sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion.*  (I can’t even begin to say how much we love this product!  Best. Find. Ever.  when it comes to cold relief for babies).  My husband loved it so much he asked if he can take it!  lol

Then I shared how we found relief for his teething pain with Boiron’s Camilia®single dose homeopathic medicine. When the baby starts teething, everyone has to pay!  Not anymore, thanks to Camilia! Another Boiron single dose product that provides a stress free, portable solution to teething discomforts.


This month I’m sharing with you another amazing product from Boiron.  It’s ColicComfort®…yet another medicine from Boiron that you’ll want to keep on hand for your little one.


Colic Comfort

ColicComfort also comes in pre-measured single use liquid doses that offer a stress-free medication delivery system.  No measuring or spilling, and no risk of dosing your child wrong!  The single dose vials are hygienic, sterile and free of preservatives!  Something that a busy parent appreciates and loves!


ColicComfort has been my go-to product that I’ve actually used multiple times over the last few months as well.  When Pierce (my 16 month old) was an infant, he had colic from day one.  Fussy, painful, miserable cry that I can still imagine since it was so sad to watch. To this day, my little man will still experience gas pains and become extremely irritable.  A parent’s worst feeling is when you’re unsure of how to help them!

crying baby

Thanks to ColicComfort, we now have a medicine to give him to help ease his discomfort.


Leaving him free of gas pains…ready to crawl around and explore like babies are supposed to.


ColicComfort is approved for ages 1 month+.  It comes in a single-use liquid dose (like the other amazing products from Boiron!)


I never have to worry about ColicComfort spilling in my diaper bag!  I also never have to worry about not having enough storage space when we travel.   I don’t know about you but I always take a few medicines with me “just in case” we need it for the kids.  (Most of the time we actually DO need it!).


The single dose pre-measured vials are truly the BEST invention for parents!  Once you try it, you’ll understand why I love it so much!


To learn more about ColicCare from Boiron visit their website and find the products your family needs for overall optimal health needs!