Halloween Boxtume

Halloween Costumes from Boxes – Amazon Boxtume Haunted House

Disclosure:  The following post is sponsored by Amazon.  All opinions are my own#boxtumes  #morethanabox


Halloween is by far my kids favorite creative holiday.  They’re little, so they don’t love the scary part of Halloween yet, they like the spooky, creative, and cozy part (also CANDY).  Lol.


Now don’t get me wrong, they love opening gifts at Christmas, but I think they love using their imaginations and creating a fun costume for a night of trick or treating on Halloween more.  

After celebrating 9 Halloweens as a Mom, this year I have finally realized that I don’t need to spend a ton of money on Halloween costumes. 


I have all the supplies at home that I need to make a fun and creative costume!  Thanks to my supply of Amazon Prime boxes that I have in the garage…from my (*cough) shopping – we’re set!  🙂


This year we have a Haunted House theme at our home.  So we decided to make a Haunted House costume – or boxtume –  out of boxes!

Here’s how you make a fun and creative “Boxtume” out of Amazon boxes!



amazon boxes


Start out what many sizes of Amazon boxes, scissors, glue and construction paper

We cut a hole on the top of the box for a head to pop though, and arms.

box costume

Next we cut out some shapes for windows.  We wanted to give them a 3-D look, so we cut out the cardboard and construction paper.  

Next we cut out some shapes for windows. We wanted to give them a 3-D look, so we cut out the cardboard and construction paper.

Next we found some left over spider webs in our Halloween box to use on the house. 


 We continued cutting out shapes, including bats and spiders.  The kids LOVED working on this project together.  (So much so, we now have three Haunted Houses under construction in our home).  lol

 We continued cutting out shapes, including bats and spiders. The kids LOVED working on this project together. (So much so, we now have three Haunted Houses under construction in our home). lol

Once we glued everything on the box, we taped the box together (with my son who’s going to be the Haunted House) in the box.  (We used Amazon tape).  

amazon halloween costume

Here is the house with all the windows glued on and decorations added.  

Here is the house with all the windows glued on and decorations added.

For a roof, we cut out a triangle shaped roof out of construction paper and glued it onto some cardboard.  


Here’s the final product!  What do you think??

Halloween Box Costume Haunted House
Halloween Box Costume Haunted House

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