Nursing or Breastfeeding is one of the most enjoyable parts of motherhood for many mommies. While it may not be for everyone, I’m a huge supporter and advocate for breastfeeding. With two of my own little ones and working as a pediatric RN, I have some helpful advise for all you breastfeeding moms.
Before baby comes, here’s a list of supplies to stock up on:
- Booby tubes – these are a life saver! These kept me nursing those first 5 days, when cracked bleeding nipples and horrible after birth pains were telling me “no more!” They are cheaper on amazon then in-store so stock up now. The reviews on these speak for themselves.
- Lanolin –
pretty much safe lotion for your nipples and safe for the baby to consume. Use it as needed for dry, sore or painful nipples.
- Hydrogel Nursing Pads
– These are sticky pads that offer cooling benefits to your nipples if and when they become tender from nursing. They are worth looking into to at least try. I tried them with my 1st born but relief only lasted minutes, and once I found the booby tubes (above), I had no use for them.
- Breast Pump – you will need this right away! I bought mine on the way home from the hospital because my breast milk was not coming in (day 5 already) and this was what they recommended to help with the stimulation. After one day with my pump, my milk came in! Pumps help with engorgement too if you’re experiencing that. Also if you are returning to work, this is your new best friend. Pump, mommie. Mommie, pump…now hug.
- Breast Milk Storage Bags – (to go along with the pump) These are a life saver for any mom that works. You’ll be able to pump while home on maternity leave to stock up on frozen boobie milk, as we call it. You’ll feel much more comfortable going back to work with a freezer full of milk reserves in case the baby goes though more milk on certain days.
- Disposable Nursing Pads –
I use these still (baby is 4 months almost), although with my first baby I used them maybe a few weeks. So you’ll need these at first, but if you’re lucky, you won’t need to wear them all the time. Still something to have on hand!
- Nipple Shield –
These are optional and before you use one, talk with a lactation consultant about if this will help you. These are used for women with inverted nipples, babies who are having a hard time latching and really sore nipples in general. If you don’t need one, don’t buy or use one. They can lead to nipple confusion for the baby if used unnecessary problems.
- A Boppy Pillow –
The name sounds strange but these pillows are a must for any nursing mom. You’ll need to buy a cover separate to use. These pillows come in really handing for other uses besides breastfeeding as well. We use ours for tummy time and when baby is first sitting up alone. You’ll love it!
- Nursing Bra –
A comfortable nursing bra that you can sleep in is the last necessity for nursing. With my first baby, I didn’t know I’d need one at night and my husband ended up running to Target at 9pm to get me one. My boobs felt heavy and I was already uncomfortable so this was a must have. You’ll also need a regular bra when you’re ready to venture out but that can come later. I recommend waiting to get that until your milk has come in and you’ll have a better idea of size needs.
So, that’s the list. It may seem like a lot, but really it’s cheaper and more rewarding to breastfeed then formula feed. The initial investment is kind of a one time cost. This list should help you be prepared for your new adventure of nursing and being a mommie!
I hope I don’t scare you with how painful it can be, really most mom’s feel some tenderness and pain for the first week or so when you begin breastfeeding. That tenderness goes away, and you should not feel pain once you’re nipples are though that first week. It is normal and it will pass. I promise. I hope this post helps prepare you for everything you’ll need for breastfeeding success!