#1 Tip for Summer Mosquito Prevention

Mosquito Prevention Tip #1 to Enjoy Summer Outdoors

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx.com on behalf of Mosquito Joe

Summa summa summa time…time to sit back and get eaten alive by mosquitos!!!!  At least that USED to be my summertime experience.  Not anymore thanks to the amazing mosquito prevention from Mosquito Joes!

With warm summer nights and plenty of outdoor events all season, mosquito prevention is a must.  Especially when you have dogs and children!   I’m that crazy germ-a-phobe mom that you probably make fun of, but my past 10 years of working as a nurse has caused me to become that way.  I’ve seen sick sick people…who contracted their illness from mosquitos!  Not only are their little bites annoying, they can be deadly, mosquito related illnesses are no joke!  So if you’re like me, mosquitos are my #1 summer enemy. 

Did you know there’s a service that can spray for the Mosquitos around your property, namely your lawn?  There is, and I’m sharing with you all my new favorite service from Mosquito Joe!

Mosquito Prevention

Spraying for mosquitos is amazing…first it gives you back your yard!  You no longer are applying smelly sprays and lighting expensive candles or torches to keep mosquitos away.  (One ALWAYS seems to get though all of that to chomp on you…right!??)

You’ll be able to spend evening, aka prime mosquito time, outside again!  More time with your family, more time for your pets to run around the yard!  (No more worrying about mosquito (vector borne) illnesses.  


So I bet you’re wondering how the mosquito control works? 

The spray is applied by a certified and trained technician first.  The way the spray works is it breaks down the life cycle of the mosquito.  The adult mosquitos are eliminated when the encapsulated spray bonds to the foliage in your yard (animals can’t lick it off!).  The active ingredient are the same ones that are found in flea and tick shampoos.  The technician will walk your property looking for breeding areas and target them.  (Like stagnant water!)

water fountain

I recently tried Mosquito Joe’s service and were are beyond impressed with the results.  We spent the evening outside tonight BBQ’ing and playing in the yard.  No itchy mosquito bites and no stinky sprays on my family!  

I’m loving our results and really wish I would’ve called Mosquito Joe sooner to get my yard serviced!  It’s a MUST DO from now on!

Mosquito Joe Mosquito Prevention

Right now my readers get a GREAT DEAL….

Coupon Savings: 

Call Mosquito Joe and get $25 off your first spray with code: BUZZONLINE


Head to Mosquito Joe and find the service in your area!  Take back summer and take back your yard!