Delivery Day MUSIC

Music For Delivery Day and C-Sections

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I’m now days away from delivery (i.e. the longest week ever!) Insert happy dance…if I could move.  

I am so very ready to see this little boy and feel like my old self.  My body and pregnancy don’t mix well. So needless to say I’m preparing this by doing some important last minute stuff.  You know…packing backs and making playlists.  Naturally! 🙂 

Since I’ll be having a scheduled C-section (medically necessary one) I’m already having lots of anxiety about the surgery.  My last two c-sections were not the easiest or best experiences.  During my 1st c-section I was COMPLETELY delirious after being up for 2 days and trying to deliver a large baby….only to end in a c-section.  I remember it but I was out of it.  

My second c-section was a scheduled c-section, but there’s almost more anxiety in knowing what’s to come.  It ended up being scary, long and painful as my 9.5lb newborn was actually STUCK in my body.  Ever heard of a c-section needing a vacuum or forceps?  Yep. That was my 2nd.  

So now that I’m preparing for my 3rd c-section on Sunday, I know I need to find some anxiety relieving ways to keep myself calm.   
The best way for me to do that is by listening to calming music….hence my delivery day and c-section playlist!

I LOVE spotify and the ability to make your own playlist without purchasing any songs.  Here’s my current compilation of music that is supposed to keep me calm on Sunday!  C-section #3!

Have a song that would be great for this playlist?  Leave me a comment and let me know! 🙂